Quebec Chapter Braves Freak Storm For Annual General Meeting

It was the annual general meeting, and over 50 members successfully met the challenge, made their way to the meeting and settled in to enjoy a well-earned buffet breakfast. Pedro Miranda, Chapter Chair called to order the meeting, and outlined the busy agenda. Jean-Lys Carriere, Treasurer, reviewed the past year’s financial summary, demonstrating the careful management of the chapter’s finances, and reviewed the budget for 2013.  

Elections were completed, and Josée Beaudoin, Elections Committee Chair, introduced the incoming Executive Committee for 2013. Highlights of the past two years showed that membership had grown 30 percent to over 100; a new LinkedIn NAFA group was attracting new networking opportunities, and thanks to the management by the Volunteer Committee, the support of sponsors, and the industry speakers, all the chapter activities experienced strong participation. Incoming Chapter Chair Emanuela Cordeiro previewed the next year’s activities.

Official business completed, the lectern was turned over to Isabelle Courteau, Editor of fleet management industry periodicals (fleetdigest, CamAuto, and who introduced a panel of speakers representing key accomplishments in the field of sustainable development and C02 reduction. The panel each presented in turn accomplishments in the adoption of newer technologies, based on programs developed in their organizations - acquiring electrified or hybrid vehicles, careful management of fleet assets, and summarized key learning for each of their respective projects. 

Québec is a leader in Hydro Electricity production globally, and the adoption of electric vehicle technology is seen as a viable objective from a social and commercial perspective. The industry presenters represented key players in this domain: representing Hydro Québec, Mario Bissonnet;  Louis-Michel Lanoie from the Société de transports de Montreal (Montreal  transit commission); and Jean-Marc Lavigne from the City of Montreal.

The final presentation was delivered by France Lampron from Hydro-Quebec who eloquently presented the electrified vehicle project and the electrification of transportation within the utility company, and across the province. 

Mario Gionet, NAFA Vice President for Canada, addressed the audience with kind words for outgoing Chapter Chair Pedro Miranda, and highlighted him as NAFA Vice President for Canada starting in April 2013. The room was informed of the upcoming NAFA I&E in Atlantic City, with special note of the Canadian Fleet Workshop, planned for the afternoon of April 23.
Special thanks to Nigel Maund, Directeur Commercial/Senior Account Manager, WebTech Wireless, and Outgoing Chapter Chair Pedro Miranda, Project Manager, Societe de Transport de Montreal for their contributions to this article.