Philadelphia Chapter And Chicago Chapter Still Leading In The I&E Chapter Challenge

As of April 1 registration numbers, the Chicago Chapter is still taking the lead in the most chapter members category of the contest, and is easily handling the "Jet-Setters" challenge. In the "Locals" match, the Philadelphia Chapter is still in first place in the "most chapter members" category of the contest. The New Jersey Chapter is not far behind - there is one week left until I&E, so it's anyone's game!

There are two contests with two awards for each contest: one contest for chapters designated by NAFA as "local" to the I&E site, namely the following group of selected, "drivable" chapters: New Jersey; Philadelphia; New York-InterCounty; Greater Hartford; Chesapeake; and Nation’s Capital chapters; and one contest for all other remaining NAFA chapters. The Challenge is open for all official NAFA chapters (subchapters are not included).

The more members you have going from your chapter, the more likely to win $1,000! Attend I&E today and encourage fellow chapter members to attend as well!

Two Ways To Win! 
The "Jet-Setters" include all NAFA chapters that are not included in the "locals" contest. The Challenge is open for all, official NAFA chapters.

The Awards: most members and highest percentage 
For each contest, there will be two awards given. The chapter with the most chapter members to attend wins; and the chapter with the highest percentage of their chapter roster to attend I&E wins. NAFA will award up to $1,000 to each winning chapter for the sole use of creating or producing their own NAFA chapter clothing, hat, towel, or other premium item to then distribute to their chapter membership as they see fit!

How Are The Winning Chapters Determined?
If you're planning on attending I&E, make it count for your chapter! If you haven't registered yet, help your chapter out and register today by clicking here!