NAFA Delivers: Ontario Chapter Brings Donation Of $14,000 To The SickKids Foundation

On Monday July 15, members of NAFA's Ontario Chapter traveled to downtown Toronto where they presented their event cheque at the Hospital for SickKids to the SickKids Foundation. These were the proceeds from the chapter's annual golf tournament at Copper Creek Golf Club on May 30, which was turned into a charity event this year. NAFA Ontario donated $14,000 on behalf of NAFA. Congratulations for your consideration and efforts!

From left to right, Stu Ralph, North Toronto Auction (NAFA Ontario Affiliate); Jade De Ciccio, SickKids Foundation; Michael Cole, Ontario Ministry of Transportation (NAFA Ontario Chair).

From left to right, Stu Ralph, North Toronto Auction (NAFA Ontario Affiliate); Keith McLaughlin, Canadian Automotive Fleet; Jade De Ciccio, SickKids Foundation; Michael Cole, Ontario Ministry of Transportation (NAFA Ontario Chair).

Special thanks to Ontario Chapter Chair Michael Cole for article contribution and photos.