NAFA Wants To Hear From You

NAFA's Chapters are the backbone of the Association. It is at this grassroots level, at your local chapter meetings, that you have the opportunity to reach people who have the experience and expertise you may need to tap into -- and who may need to tap into your knowledge and expertise.

As you know, the chapters are the major component of NAFAConnection, the one NAFA publication that will get your accomplishments, activities, and efforts seen by the widest spectrum of the NAFA membership.

NAFA membership knows that the chapters are their first and most direct line to their fleet peers. These meetings are where the best networking opportunities lie, and NAFA's Chapter Leaders are diligent about getting the latest, most important fleet info to attendees with terrific speakers and presentations, and fun, engaging gatherings. But there are plenty of members who don't know this yet because they haven't taken that next step to attend...your chapter information in each issue of NAFAConnection can let them know what they may be missing out on.

We can't do it without you, and there are so many exciting things planned for 2014, we don't want a single NAFA member to miss out.

For more information and to participate, contact Communications Assistant Donald W. Dunphy ( today!