Happy 90th Birthday, Al Cavalli!

Imagine a room where living NAFA history was gathered together in one place to celebrate one of our own.

On October 12, friends, family, and longtime peers gathered to wish Former NAFA President Al Cavalli a happy 90th birthday. Cavalli, pictured at left, was born October 22, 1923. As a member of the original Round Table group, the precursor to NAFA Fleet Management Association, and later as Association President in 1969, Cavalli is an example of the fleet industry itself, from humble beginnings to everything it has become today.

"We had a small group of about 25 friends and family members who came from as far as Georgia to help celebrate," said Nancy M. Walsh, Cavalli's daughter. "It would have been difficult to make it a complete surprise since family was coming from so far away and had to stay with me, so it was a semi-surprise." Nancy, along with her son Eddy and brother Robert Cavalli (also a NAFA member) organized the event.

Cavalli knew that immediate family would be meeting at the restaurant but had no idea that it was to be a party. "He was thrilled as well to see his long-time NAFA friends were there and they had a wonderful time laughing and trading stories of 'back in the day'."

Pictured left-to-right: Ray Breault (NAFA President 1977-1979); Al Cavalli (NAFA President 1969-1971); A. Warren Feirer (NAFA President 1979-1981); and Former New York Chapter Chair and current New York/InterCounty Secretary Don Rittenhouse (Outstanding Chapter Service Award recipient - Member, 1995).