Thank You For Another Outstanding Year

As the year winds down, I want to take a few moments to say thank you for your support of, and belief in, NAFA. All of us at NAFA headquarters have your satisfaction as our ultimate goal. When you renew your membership, participate in NAFA meetings, and get involved and engaged, it tells us that we are hitting the mark.

I wanted to share with you just a very brief list of some of the major objectives we accomplished this year, so you can see where your dues are going and what NAFA is doing for you. In 2013, NAFA has:
As a result of those successes and others, NAFA is in a tremendous position for expansion next year. I hope you will be part of our growth story. And if there is ever a time when you feel we have missed our target, please let us know so we can make things right for you.

I look forward to leading the NAFA staff and working with all of you to deliver even greater value to you next year. For now, though, please be sure to take some time to enjoy your family and friends during this season. Your NAFA family looks forward to next year with great anticipation. It really is an exciting time to be part of NAFA!

Wishing you and yours a safe and happy holiday season!

Sincerely yours,
