NAFA Webinar Survey Ends This Wednesday -- Please Participate!

NAFA is adding to its cache of valuable member services and is scheduling a full slate of webinars for 2014. These free, in-office seminars will deal with the most current topics delivered by industry experts. The webinars will be one hour in length.

We need your help to identify the topics of greatest interest submitted by NAFA Affiliates. Please take a moment and complete a survey that will help us to better meet your education needs. This survey will identify the submissions you want to participate in most. These were proposed from our recent webinar Call for Presentations. There were 35 submissions, so it will take a few minutes to review. If you have not already done so, please click this link (or go to this address: and complete the survey by this Wednesday, January 8, 2014.

Thank you once again for making NAFA your fleet information source.