Explaining The Two-Tiered Structure For NAFA Affiliates

NAFA Affiliates are an important and vital part of this Association. No matter if you are a Full Affiliate or a Regional Affiliate, the bond and professional relationships that NAFA Members and NAFA Affiliates have is critical to the success of the individual fleet professionals and the Association as a whole.

What is the difference between a Full Affiliate and a Regional Affiliate? - Within NAFA there are two categories of Affiliation, namely Full Affiliate and Regional Affiliate. These titles do not refer to one’s geographical area of membership and/or associated "regional" benefits, but instead refer to a company’s team of individual professionals.

A company must first have a Full Affiliate on board the official NAFA roster and then that company is entitled to have up to five Regional Affiliates from the same employer. The benefits and access to the networking, education and training, discounts, meetings, and so much more are the same for each type of Affiliate. The difference is that the Regional Affiliate is billed for a lower fee amount: the company may register their full team of fleet professionals and receive a discount for having multiple Affiliates on the NAFA roster.

In addition, if there is the case of a company wanting more than six fleet professionals (one Full Affiliate and five Regional Affiliates) to participate officially as NAFA Affiliates, the cycle starts over: the next professional would be classified as a Full Affiliate and then the company would be eligible for up to five more Regional Affiliates. There is no limit to this six-person discount cycle!

How It Works - For example, under the current 2014 NAFA fees, a Full Affiliate pays $479 U.S. for a complete 12 months of membership which includes full access to networking databases, inclusion in databases and directories, networking opportunities, and discounts. A Regional Affiliate pays $389 U.S. for twelve months of membership with all the same access and benefits as the Full Affiliate. With the two-tiered pricing structure, companies may benefit and save! (For examples, click here.)

Thank you for making the time, investment, and commitment to NAFA and the fleet management industry! The Association aims to better serve all our membership -- both Members and Affiliates -- and to provide fleet solutions for all fleet professionals.