Endless Winter Cannot Stop The Philly Chapter Meeting

The NAFA Philadelphia Chapter's Auto Show meeting nearly wasn't. Following a record snow storm on February 13 and one day postponement, members still came out to hear manufacturers present their new vehicle models and features, and to get a glimpse of the vehicles at the 2014 Philadelphia Auto Show on Valentine’s Day.

Convening at the Aramark building, the Philadelphia Chapter welcomed everyone out of the cold and snow to join Ford, Subaru, Chrysler, GM, and Toyota for a brief product preview presentation of their current vehicle line up and a discussion of new vehicle features for the 2014 model year. 

But before the fun could begin, Philadelphia Chapter Chair Kevin Fisher, Vice President-Strategic Fleet Operations, Aramark, welcomed everyone to the event and covered some chapter business including the 2014-2015 Chapter Board Elections.

A voice vote was held for the 2014-2015 Chapter Board slate:
All members in attendance voted for the slate unanimously and an announcement will be posted on the Philadelphia Chapter’s website. Over the next few months the current Board will transfer responsibilities to the new Board members. The new Board will officially begin their term at the Annual Business Meeting at the 2014 I&E in Minneapolis, MN.

Kevin thanked all current board members for their hard work and support over the last few years and encouraged members to continue to be involved in the organization and volunteer in the Chapter. He then turned the floor over to Michael Freidel to introduce the manufacturers and serve as moderator for the meeting.

After presentations, chapter members were then invited to spend the afternoon at the Philadelphia Auto Show and to take a look at the vehicles that the manufacturers’ had on the Philadelphia Convention Center’s show floor.

Despite the snow and postponement, it was a pretty sweet Valentine’s Day Auto Show meeting for the NAFA Philadelphia Chapter.

Special thanks to Karol Tillman for material in this article.