Photo Gallery: Western Canada Chapter At The Auto And Truck Show

The Calgary Stampede was the host of the 2014 Calgary International Auto and Truck Show. NAFA's Western Canada Chapter was there to take it in on March 12, and brought back pictures to prove it!

Sheila McKenzie, Fleet Administrator, Penn West Exploration, and Jeff Reader, Fleet Coordinator, Penn West Exploration, host the registration table. Western Canada Chapter Chair Jim Laverty, Manager-Vehicle Pool, University of Alberta, checks in.

Doors open early for the NAFA Western Canada Chapter and the members are taking full advantage of it.

Mike Weatherby, Western Fleet Account Executive, Chrysler Canada Inc., and Jeff Reader look at the new Chrysler Viper.

(Left) Hiba Badran, Business Development Manager (Western Canada), PHH Arval, is enjoying her future sports car. (Right) The Red Bull dragster.

Stephen Carey, Director, Fleet Strategies, EMKAY, Inc., peeks through the Toyota FJ.

The auto show preview finishes at 11 am and lunch start with a line up for the great food!

Jim Laverty welcomes the members and commences the session, including a webcast for distant chapter members.

Special thanks to Western Canada Chapter Secretary Bruno Lamarche, Corporate Account Manager, Kal Tire, for material in this article.