Ryder's Natural Gas Fleet Surpasses Twenty Million Miles

Ryder System, Inc. has achieved a significant milestone with its fleet of over 500 natural gas vehicles surpassing 20 million miles. The fleet consists of liquefied natural gas and compressed natural gas tractors serving over 40 customer operations in California, New York, Texas, Arizona, Michigan, Utah, Georgia, and Louisiana. Since deploying its natural gas vehicle program in 2011, Ryder has replaced approximately 3.1 million gallons of diesel fuel with domestically produced natural gas and reduced emissions by more than 559,000 MTCO2e (metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) emissions.

In 2013, Ryder opened the first natural gas fueling stations in its North American network to serve both the general public and Ryder lease and rental customers. The Liquefied to Compressed Natural Gas (LCNG) stations, which are open to the general public, are located at two of Ryder's maintenance and fueling facilities in Orange, CA and Fontana, CA -- key facilities serving the Southern California region.

Ryder's natural gas vehicle offering also includes a selection of light and medium duty compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles, the first of their kind in North America available for lease or rent. The CNG trucks range in gross vehicle weight from 16,000 to 33,000 pounds and are ideal for metro/city delivery applications.