Major Projects Keep NAFA On the Leading Edge

Every year around this time I like to provide you with an update on the major projects underway at NAFA.  Having recently returned from the NAFA Board of Governors meeting where much of this work was finalized and announced, this laundry list of significant undertakings is as fresh as it gets and clearly shows how NAFA is leading the fleet industry.
•    More than 40 fleets signed up to be Charter Members of NAFA’s Sustainable Fleet Standard Program, which is being developed in collaboration with CALSTART.  These leading fleets have begun testing and analyzing the program that will house all of the fleet data and compute the necessary calculations. Testing will be conducted in two waves over the summer and fall.  We anticipate opening the program for enrollment by all fleets in early 2015.  For more information on NAFA’s Sustainable Fleet Standard Program, please visit

•    Nearly 40 fleet managers and several suppliers volunteered to serve on NAFA’s Government Affairs Committee when the call went out earlier this year.  From that group, NAFA has formed a high-powered, diverse committee of 12 fleet experts that will help give direction and purpose to NAFA’s legislative activity.  The committee has already conducted several conference calls and drafted two position papers (one on GHG emission standards, another on the Highway Trust Fund) for consideration by the Board of Trustees.  For more information on the Government Affairs Committee, please visit

•    A sub-committee of the national Affiliates Committee is focusing on enhancing exhibitor value at NAFA’s I&E.  One of their first efforts is to review a feature available through NAFA’s membership database that will allow exhibitors to schedule appointments with I&E attendees.  We believe this will be activated for the 2015 I&E in Orlando.  

The Affiliates Committee also recommended to the Board of Trustees that the 2015 Expo be open from 10 am to 1 pm each day each day, rather than starting at lunch time and going into the afternoon.  The Trustees approved this change, in conjunction with other I&E schedule changes that are designed to improve traffic flow on the Expo floor.  A full explanation of these changes will be announced in a few weeks, after all details are finalized.

•    The Board of Trustees approved forming an ad hoc task force to review the nominating policies and procedures for election to the Board of Trustees.  This will include reviewing the bylaws and board structure to determine appropriate seats on the Board and qualifications for those seats.  

•    After long deliberation and a recommendation from the then-named Public Safety Group, the Trustees approved renaming the Public Safety Group as NAFA’s Law Enforcement Group.  This was announced in detail to the full membership last week; for information, please visit

•    Plans for I&E 2015 are well under way.  The Curriculum Committee met July 9-10 to begin planning the concurrent sessions and already has a full slate of top-notch education planned.  Expo sales are in full swing, with fifty percent of the floor space already sold.  I&E 2015 will be April 14-17 in Orlando, Florida.  Registration is scheduled to open around Thanksgiving.

•    The Trustees approved NAFA providing a track of training and informational sessions at the AltCar Expo taking place September 19, 2014 in Santa Monica, California.  AltCar Expo is a free event, open to the public, and takes place over the span of three days.  During one of those days, there is a "fleet conference," which is where NAFA will present training sessions as well as introductory sessions about NAFA, the NAFA CAFM program, and NAFA’s Sustainable Fleet Standard Program.  For information about AltCar, please visit

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on any of these initiatives.

