NAFA’s Law Enforcement Group Represents Specially Skilled Fleet Managers

"No other type of fleet has vehicles that, as a job function, are being used in such an extreme way, serving and protecting citizens 24-7," said Robert Martinez, Executive Director of the Support Services Bureau for the City of New York Police Department. As the Chair of NAFA's newly renamed Law Enforcement Group, he knows the specificity inherent in this unique fleet segment. "Many communities rely on police vehicles and support vehicles, K-9 unit vehicles, light towers, and the list goes on...especially when disasters happen, both natural and man-made."

Previously known as the Public Safety Group, NAFA’s Law Enforcement Group (LEG) identifies the community of fleet managers with a most specialized skill-set: the maintenance of a vehicle fleet intended to go directly into harm's way.  

As such, one of the Law Enforcement Group's most essential functions is in collecting vehicle service reports from group members on a monthly basis. These reports are presented to automotive manufacturers in advance of NAFA’s Institute & Expo (I&E) to determine maintenance and functionality problems regarding police vehicles. Through their efforts, critical information is shared and solutions are presented.

"NAFA’s LEG plays a major role in the fleet industry by virtue of how law enforcement vehicles are used. They represent the proving ground for automotive equipment and innovation," said NAFA Chief Executive Officer Phillip E. Russo, CAE. "The information the LEG gathers offers insight into how these machines perform under rigorous conditions."

The Group is comprised of, and is focused on, fleet managers who have police and law enforcement vehicles in their fleet. The Committee's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
"The Law Enforcement Group name is a term that is widely recognized within the fleet industry and is universally used with suppliers and business partners; it fits the specifics of this segment perfectly," continued Russo, "And so the LEG's agenda is right in line with NAFA's operations and mission: to determine what's best for this profession and getting there for the benefit of all fleet managers."