Rocky Mountain Chapter Look At (Vehicle) Drivers And (Golf) Drivers At Outing

Di Graphics was a sponsor of the day's events.

On August 20, the Rocky Mountain Chapter hit the greens while also thinking about vehicle crashes. It might sound like a strange combination, but it surely grabbed the attention of chapter members and attendees. The Chapter's Summer Golf Event & Chapter Meeting arrived with the theme of "Safe Drivers" and took place on August 20 at the Riverdale Dunes Golf Course in Brighton, CO.

Attorney John Cruickshank from the law firm of Alaniz-Schraeder LLC started things off with a sequel to his popular "Negligent Entrustment" presentation, this time reviewing a recent, real-life fleet horror story involving a company-vehicle crash with tragic consequences.

Cruickshank followed his presentation with a role-playing skit with Randy Shadley, CAFM, Fleet Safety Specialist and Account Manager for Corporate Claims Management, acting as the Director of Fleet Safety for a fictional company. Cruickshank took on the roles of a company attorney obtaining testimony, a plaintiff’s attorney (for cross examination), and again as the company attorney (for re-direct examination).

The audience members, acting as the jury, were asked to draw their own conclusions after hearing the testimony. This exercise demonstrated again the importance of having a thorough fleet safety program, policies, and practices in place before crashes happen.


And finally, the safety portion of the meeting was capped off by a fleet safety discussion, with, (left-to-right) NAFA Vice President Bryan Flansburg, CAFM, moderating a discussion with fleet safety experts Chris Stites, (Vice President, Business Development for SambaSafety), Shadley, Cruickshank, and Carlos Dominguez from Lockton Risk Management.

NAFA Affiliate Michael Stafford, Audi

The golf event was a huge success, with nearly 30 people participating. Awards were given for lowest score, highest score, longest drive, and more. Thanks to the generosity of the sponsors, everyone came away with prizes, pride intact (mostly), and new networking connections and fleet safety information they can put to use back at the office.

NAFA Member Scott Edwards, University of Colorado

Special thanks to Linda George, Randy Shadley, CAFM, and Art Hale for material in this article.