Canadian Legislative Issues

Federal Government Announces New Vehicle And Hydrofluorocarbon Emissions Regulations

The government of Canada has revealed new greenhouse gas emissions regulations for cars and trucks as well as for hydrofluorocarbon emissions. The Minister of Environment Leona Aglukkaq, has addressed those changes during the United Nations Climate Summit on September 23, in New York.  

At an auto-sector roundtable as part of the UN Summit, Minister Aglukkaq has announced the following new regulations: more severe fuel-efficiency demands for light passenger vehicles as well as for heavy-duty vehicles, additional cuts regarding smog-producing emissions and lower the amount of sulphur in gasoline. Minister Aglukkaq’s speech to the UN Summit was very much modeled on the United States’ measures to fight climate change which entails further regulating hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and transport related emissions such as carbon dioxide. Minister Aglukkaq has committed to publish a Notice of intent regarding the stricter regulation of HFCs in order to limit Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions in the long term.

Overall, the federal’s government approach to climate change is largely criticized as many find that Canada is not doing enough.

Sun Country Highway On The High Road

Sun Country Highway is a Canadian company dedicated to electric vehicle technology and infrastructure. It is the chosen manufacturer for the David Suzuki Foundation Blue Dot Tour.

The Blue Dot Tour involves David Suzuki touring cities all over Canada, in each province, and raising awareness on the importance of a thriving, healthy environment with community leaders and artists. This tour coincides with the E-mazing Race which starts September 29 and lasts for a period of 4 weeks. Participants are challenged to visit the most Sun Country Highway charging stations for electric vehicles across the country which will accumulate points for their team with each stop.

"Touring the Sun Country Highway Charging Network, the E-mazing Race and Blue Dot Tour will bring unprecedented attention to the advances made in the electric vehicle movement as well as raise funds for further EV infrastructure development," said SCH President and Founder Kent Rathwell.

The Blue Dot Tour, the E-mazing Race, and the Sun Country Highway illustrate the extent of the electric vehicle movement and how it’s becoming increasingly significant in Canada.

Montreal Taxis Are Going Green

Montreal can expect electric taxis by 2016. Alexandre Taillefer, Head of the Taxelco Company, says the main objective of this project is to have an entire green fleet of taxis roaming the streets of the city.

This initiative will approximately cost $250 million. The type of car has not yet been chosen as Taxelco would like to hire a local manufacturer for the fleet of electric vehicles. The cars will most definitely be fuel-efficient, technology-driven, and easy to drive. Regarding the funding of this project, partners remain confidential at this point and are still in discussion.

In sum, the electrification of cars is certainly becoming unavoidable and might be a potential impact on fleet managers.