In Memoriam: Robert A. Whitfield (1927-2014)

It was with great sadness that NAFA learned of the passing of Robert Whitfield, a Club NAFA member who had been with the Association for 51 years. He passed in October.

Robert joined NAFA in 1963 and was Member of the Sunshine State Chapter, but once said on the occasion of his 50th year with NAFA, "I have had the honor of serving in 3 Chapters, and attending several others."

"I served as the Chapter Membership Committee Chair from 1992 to 1994, and created the very first organized Basic Education Conference, and directed several of them. Over the past 50 years, I have been privileged to know and to work with many of the original founders of NAFA. The members and Staff of NAFA have taught me so many things, and I have been fortunate to pass many of these along. The joys from their companionship and friendship have proven to be invaluable."

NAFA offers its collective condolences to Robert Whitfield's family and friends on the event of his passing.