It's NAFA Chapters Elections Time: You Could Have What It Takes To Be A Leader!

Every year, NAFA chapters hold elections for all the chapter positions, which include Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. These roles are a great way to network with fellow members, become more involved in your association, and they also look great on a resume! Volunteers only need to give a few hours each month toward their positions. If you are interested in running for Chapter Board, please let your current Chapter Chair know.

In addition to the four positions, each chapter has several committees that you can make a true impact with: Membership, Affiliate, Safety, Program, and Reception. The Chapter Chair assigns people to these roles, so if you are interested in filling any of them, let your Chapter Chair know!

Elections are currently going on – the new term begins in April of this year and runs on a yearly basis. This is a great way to demonstrate your leadership and become an active participant in NAFA!