NAFA Provides Real-Life Fleet Experience To Rulemakers

NAFA Provides Real-Life Fleet Experience To Rulemakers

Get Engaged and Make A Difference!

Last week, NAFA President Claude Masters, CAFM®, and NAFA Legislative Counsel Patrick O’Connor, traversed Washington, DC to participate in numerous conferences, meetings, gatherings, and other events to speak on behalf of all fleet managers about issues impacting, or potentially impacting, this industry.

For sure, there is no shortage of proposed rules, regulations, and legislation that could impact fleets. In fact, at last count, NAFA’s Government Affairs Committee was tracking 17 issues of importance to fleets. That explains why Claude and Pat were very busy last week, being sure to speak with as many of the most influential stakeholders as possible.  

Claude and Pat, along with Steve Saltzgiver, who chairs the Government Affairs Committee, have taken on the critical role of making sure rulemakers know about and consider real-life fleet perspectives in each of their proposals. This is a role that only NAFA can play, as the strongest, single-most unified voice of fleet managers. But Claude, Pat, and Steve cannot do this work alone or in a vacuum; they need to hear from you so they can fairly and accurately represent you.

I encourage you to take a look at the brief summary of issues at the end of this column to get a flavor of the major subjects being dealt with right now. Then, if you have questions or comments or opinions on anything, please send an email to me or Pat O’Connor. Getting engaged like this will only strengthen NAFA’s voice and help ensure that NAFA really does make a difference.



P.S.  For a live legislative update, be sure to attend NAFA’s 2015 I&E where Pat O’Connor will host a Keynote Address featuring rulemakers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency.  Details here:

Summary of NAFA Government Affairs Activity

Here’s a brief run-down of some of the bigger issues NAFA is tackling right now.  Every month NAFA provides you an update on these issues in our e-newsletter, Legislative Update, which is also archived on in the Publications section of the NAFA website (

Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax
Mileage Based User Fee Alliance (MBUFA) is a national non-profit organization that conducts education and outreach on the potential for a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax as an alternative for future funding of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF).  At a recent conference, the consensus was:

Highway Trust Fund

Phase 2 Fuel Economy and GHG Standards

Truck Right-To-Repair

ZEVs: Multi-state ZEV Action Plan

Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) Funding

Survey – Safety Records of Managed v. Non-Managed Fleets

Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)