In Your Own Words: NAFA Members Are The Most Valuable Resource Available

For this month’s column, I am letting you, the Members and Affiliates who attended NAFA’s 2015 Institute & Expo in Orlando, Florida do the talking.  

Recently, in a short post-I&E survey, we asked everyone who attended I&E to share their one biggest "take-away" idea from I&E. The idea behind this is to point out, or rather, have you point out, the extremely valuable ideas you get at NAFA’s I&E and to illustrate the value in attending I&E.

I’ve pared down the multitude of replies to the top fifteen, and I encourage you to read every entry on this list. While reading these, think about the dollar value of each of these ideas...I bet each one is worth tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars in real money. That’s pretty convincing evidence to use next time you need to justify your attendance at a NAFA meeting.

Here’s a sampling of what you had to say was your big take-away from I&E 2015:
I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Thank you, everyone, for making I&E such a tremendous success once again!


Phillip E. Russo, CAE