New York-InterCounty, New Jersey, And Philladelphia Chapters Go Out To The Ballgame

Summer has arrived and in the Northeast it is time for the second annual Tri-Chapter Joint Meeting at a Philadelphia-NYC baseball game. This year over 125 members of the New York-InterCounty, New Jersey, and Philadelphia chapters gathered together on June 24 in the Audi Club Suite at Yankee Stadium to watch the New York Yankees take on the Philadelphia Phillies in the finale of a three game series.


Chapter Chairs (from left): Mike Freidel (Philadelphia Chapter Vice-Chair), David Hayward (Philadelphia Chapter Chair), Wendy Kupper (New Jersey Chapter Chair), Jim Reinish (New York-InterCounty Chapter Chair Emeritus), Ronald Gitelman, CAFM® (New York-InterCounty Chapter Chair)

Charter buses brought members and guests from New Jersey and Philadelphia to this epic day of fun and networking. The die-hard Phillies fans were delayed due to traffic, accidents, and all the other troubles that come with traveling in the Northeast. Even though it was an omen of things to come they continued the journey. They arrived late and saw their team lose by a large margin, but they had fun and stayed to the bitter end. The food was not your typical ballgame fare and included items such as steak, pasta, shrimp, salad, breakfast foods, and a dessert bar that would tempt even the most dedicated dieter.


A great time was had by all including those who were not even fans of the Phillies or Yankees. There was plenty of networking time and catching up with old friends and making new friends. Also the chapters invited their Club NAFA members and guests to attend at no charge. While some were unable to take up the offer there were a few scattered among the attendees.  


The three chapters would like to extend a special thanks to the sponsors who helped keep the game affordable for the chapter members and guests. Without their generosity many who attended might not have been able to come to this event. Also a special thanks to the chapters’ leaders who worked hard to make this day a great day. 

Planning begins soon for the third annual Tri-Chapter meeting, with a location to be determined.  We hope all chapter members and Affiliates will be able to attend next year!

Special thanks to Ron Gitelman, CAFM®, for material in this article.