Your Fleet Input Is Needed On Takata Recalls

Are you concerned about the massive Takata air bag recall and its impact on your fleet, your employer, and your employees? Do you have questions about whether fleet maintenance shops will be able to complete the recall repair work? If so, NAFA needs to hear your voice.

At a meeting on October 22, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) will discuss possible actions that could aid in prioritizing, organizing, and phasing the multiple recalls to remedy defective Takata air bag inflators. There will not be an opportunity to make public comments at the meeting, but NAFA will be there.

NAFA will be submitting written comments to NHTSA regarding the recall of defective Takata frontal air bag. To have your voice included in those comments, please click and let us know your thoughts. Your responses, which will be kept confidential, will help inform NAFA’s comments to NHTSA.

Thank you!

Again, click here to have your voice heard: