Canadian Legislative Issues

Ontario Auto Mayors Highlight Need For Manufacturing Policies

Ontario Auto Mayors* are concerned about the need for national and provincial manufacturing policies after reviewing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

"The need for a national strategy to sustain, strengthen, and grow Canada’s auto sector has been highlighted through the TPP process and resulting disappointing agreement for Canada’s auto sector," declared Rob Burton, Oakville’s Mayor and Chair of the Ontario Auto Mayors.

The Ontario Auto Mayors argue the importance of maintaining automotive investments in Canada in order for the industry to remain competitive, which is why the implementation of national policies is crucial according to them. The three areas of concerns in the TPP are Canada’s tariff phase-out period, currency manipulation, and the auto parts content rule reduced from 60 percent to 35-45 per cent.

Finally, Ontario Auto Mayors continue to highlight the need for national and provincial manufacturing auto policies in order to support the industry.

*As noted on the organization's website, "The Ontario Auto-Mayors work collaboratively at the provincial and federal levels to promote awareness, advocacy, and strategic policy initiatives to strengthen the Canadian economy by keeping the automotive sector strong as a driver of employment, innovation, and productivity advances across the Canadian economy so we can afford to look after all our needs as a society such as infrastructure creation and renewal."