Trump Calls For Higher Ethanol Mandate

Donald Trump said in a recent stump speech that federal regulators should increase the amount of ethanol blended into the nation’s gasoline supply. Speaking at an event hosted by the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, Trump, a real estate mogul and the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ought to follow the ethanol volumes Congress set in 2007.

"The EPA should ensure that biofuel ... blend levels match the statutory level set by Congress under the [renewable fuel standard]," Trump said.

The mandate is popular in Iowa, which hosts the nation's first caucuses. In setting the ethanol blending mandate for 2016 last year, the EPA used a provision in the law that allows it to waive the specific volumes Congress set out, citing lower than expected gasoline demand, among other factors.

Trump spoke very briefly about the ethanol mandate at the beginning of his speech, reading from notes in a straightforward fashion, before continuing onto other subjects in the more lively manner he usually shows in stump speeches.

The event came hours after Iowa Governor Terry Branstad told voters in the first state to choose presidential candidates that they shouldn’t vote for Senator Ted Cruz, one of Trump’s most potent challengers. Branstad cited Cruz’s opposition to continuing the ethanol mandate after 2022, saying Cruz is "heavily financed by Big Oil." Trump welcomed Branstad’s comment.