Every Vote Matters! Bylaws Vote On August 22: Participate And Make Your Voice Heard!

On August 22, all NAFA Full Members and Associate Members will receive a ballot on which they can vote to approve or disapprove of proposed changes to NAFA's governing bylaws. This is YOUR opportunity to participate and be a part of crucial actions that shape YOUR association! NAFA encourages you to be informed, be engaged in the process, and most of all: vote!

If the changes are approved, all NAFA Affiliates and Regional Affiliates will be able to:

In addition, the bylaws revision would:

As with any transition management strategy, there is a great deal of work to be done administratively to implement the types of changes being proposed.  That work is being carefully planned now by the NAFA staff to ensure a smooth and successful transition if the bylaws changes are approved.

If you are a Full Member or Associate Member of NAFA, please look for the ballot in your email on August 22.

If you are an Affiliate or Regional Affiliate of NAFA, and if the bylaws changes are approved, please look for information about your new membership status in mid-September.  

If you still have questions or want to know more about the proposed changes, please see the FAQ document or watch the recorded webinar found on this page: http://www.nafa.org/about-nafa/bylaws-2016/.  You can also send an email to bylaws@nafa.org.

NAFA Fleet Management Association