Honda Accord, Civic Top Most Stolen List For 2015

For more than a decade, the Honda Accord was the best-selling car in America and its compact sibling, the Civic, wasn’t too far behind. The pair are still popular as they are once again the most stolen vehicles in the U.S.

The 1996 Honda Accord and 1998 Honda Civic topped the National Insurance Crime Bureau’s 2015 Hot Wheels list of most stolen vehicles. Not surprisingly, the top five on the list is rounded out by other very popular selling vehicles: 2006 Ford full-size pickup, 2004 Chevrolet full-size pickup, and the 2014 Toyota Camry.

The high volume of sales is directly tied to holding the top spots: thieves steal vehicle for parts, which are used to keep many of those vehicles on the road, according to the NICB. They also feature no or easily defeat anti-theft technologies.

The top 10 list and the total number of that model overall stolen in 2015 includes:
"While older vehicles still dominate our Hot Wheels most stolen list, the number of late model vehicles with anti-theft protection on the list goes to show that technology isn’t foolproof," said NICB President and CEO Joe Wehrle. "Criminals are doing their best to defeat anti-theft technology through hacking and other means while, at the same time, manufacturers and others are working to improve security.

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