"What Does NAFA Mean to You" Chapter Video Contest!


You know it well: NAFA Fleet Management Association is your association community for all things fleet!  Now, NAFA’s chapter video contest will help spread the word and tell the fleet world what NAFA means to you, your chapter, and your fellow members!

In this FUN video contest we want to hear about the value of NAFA and our chapters! Videos should inspire new members and remind existing members of what is special about NAFA and our chapters by showing how membership has helped professionally or personally; however your team sees fit.

Your chapter video can feature any aspect(s) of your chapter and NAFA. For example, you can include moments from your favorite meeting,  something interesting  you learned at a chapter meeting,  how you connected with peers, or maybe how you found your new favorite restaurant in Austin (while you were at the I&E)! Whatever NAFA means to you, we want to hear about it!

This contest is a great opportunity to build your chapter community! As chapter leaders, please consider participating in this contest. It’s your chance to show off your chapter and let it shine! So, organize a video team, decide on your focus, shoot your video, and have fun. Then, submit your chapter’s video to NAFA between August 1 and November 30, 2016.

Please note your video must not exceed 5 minutes in length – and videos must not include inappropriate adult content, inappropriate language, or inappropriate actions. 

All submissions will be reviewed by NAFA staff and the Membership Committee, who will select the best of the best. The winning video will be presented at the 2017 I&E in Tampa, Florida!

Click here to find out all the details. Any questions please contact Chris Goyette: cgoyette@nafa.org or 609-986-1047

NAFA Fleet Management Association