Just Released: NAFA's Recorded Fleet 101 Webinar Series!


Are you new to fleet? Do you have members of your team who recently added fleet management responsibilities?

Learn the Fundamentals from the Best at Your Convenience!

NAFA’s Fleet 101 webinar series provides a broad overview of the various skills needed to build a foundation to succeed in the fleet management profession! You will be learning from nine highly qualified instructors who have more than 200 years of combined fleet management experience representing a variety of fleet types and industries.

With the Fleet 101 webinar series, you will:
This eight-part webinar series includes 480 minutes of instruction covering the knowledge needed to build and expand your future in fleet management. The series begins with a 60-minute introduction, followed by seven additional 60-minute webinars that focus on the skills which are most essential to the role.
Fleet 101 is available as a complete, bundled package, providing the convenience of one-step purchasing for all webinar modules and a 33 percent discount over individual module pricing. The set costs $499 for NAFA members, $599 for non-members. Separate webinars are individually priced at $99 (NAFA members), $129 (non-members).

ORDER TODAY! NAFA's Fleet 101 Webinar series is the perfect opportunity for you or your team to learn about the different disciplines of fleet management! Click here to order the Fleet 101 series now.

NAFA Fleet Management Association