Canadian Government Operations Looks To Full Renewable Electricity By 2025

The Government of Canada has announced that it intends to ensure that 100 percent of all governmental operations will run on electricity purchased from clean power by 2025, as well as reducing emissions by forty percent by 2030.

Scott Brison, President of the Canadian Treasury Board announced in the House of Commons earlier in November that the Government will be reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by forty percent by 2030, as well as purchasing 100 percent of its electricity from clean energy sources. The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat is actually hoping to achieve a forty percent greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2025, but has left five years as leeway just in case. Additionally, the Treasury Board Secretariat has created the Centre for Greening Government, an initiative that will track the country’s emissions centrally, as well as coordinate efforts across government, and ensure the country meets its goals.

"The Government must do its part to meet the challenges of climate change to leave a prosperous and sustainable economy and a strong middle class for the next generations," said Brison. "I was proud to announce that we will be reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by forty percent by 2030 and that all departments are on board to get it done."

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