NAFA's 2018 I&E Features Two Thought-Provoking Pre-Con Events Affecting the Changing Fleet Profession

Enhance your 2018 Institute & Expo experience and attend one of NAFA’s two pre-conference events taking place on Monday, April 23: International Fleet Academy – Where are You? Advancing on the Mobility Continuum and Are You Really Ready? The Critical Role of Fleets Before, During, and Post-Disaster. These education events will focus on increasingly important subjects to the fleet industry and will offer valuable instruction to attendees.

International Fleet Academy – Where are You? Advancing on the Mobility Continuum

Where will the fleet/mobility industry be 10 years from now? We all realize that radical change is coming, in the form of more sharing, greater autonomy and an explosion of technology. More than ever, fleet professionals need education and peer networking to stay up to date on the mobility continuum and all it entails for the industry. Fleet Managers who don’t embrace and lead mobility risk obsolescence.

Topics covered:

Are You Really Ready?  The Critical Role of Fleets Before, During, and Post-Disaster

Harvey, Irma, Juan, floods, fires, and ice. It doesn’t matter where you are located, fleet professionals must plan and respond to disasters. With fires raging in California and Western Canada and hurricanes and torrential floods hitting the southern United States, the year has been epic in generating lessons learned from preparation through execution to post-event.  Hear from Fleet Managers who planned for it, lived through it, and learned from it!


Find out more about NAFA's pre-conference events and how you can include them with your Institute & Expo registration. Click here for details.

NAFA Fleet Management Association