Does NAFA Sell My Name to Email Marketers?

NAFA doesn’t sell or give away your information to marketers, period.

In fact, the NAFA board has a rule in place preventing the sale of our members' information to outside parties. NAFA doesn’t even print email addresses in the member directory or in the online networking database. However, you can contact other members through a web form we post within the networking database, but you don’t see their email address.

When vendors (legitimate or otherwise) promote mailing lists of a particular organization or event, these are often anything but – spam emails you may get are often the result of data harvesting, culled from software applications which run automated scripts over the Internet (also known as "bots"), combing the web for keywords. For instance, if you post on social media that you are a fan of Disneyworld, bots may find your email on your profile and then tie this into a list of people that mentioned Disneyworld, and package you into a list of Disneyworld visitors. They then sell that information to marketers, and you may receive solicitations about hotels, condos, timeshares, etc., near Disneyworld, for example.

Bots also comb public records, so if you are employed by a governmental entity, your contact information is likely accessible.

Although these vendors use NAFA’s name and imply that the Association has collaborated to offer these lists, NAFA does not. In fact, when discovering these vendors, NAFA often contacts them with legal warnings. Despite this action, many of these vendors reside off-shore and/or change names frequently, making it difficult to pursue them.

Note that NAFA occasionally emails members on behalf of Associate Members and other vendors, however email lists never change hands; NAFA is the entity that sends the messages. These occasional marketing messages are a way NAFA is able to fund its many programs that benefit members and the fleet industry.

Additionally, NAFA is communicating with our members in Europe, asking them to again opt into our various communications. This is being done to meet the European Union's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. We treat your information with care.

NAFA’s advice is to forward solicitations you receive to us at to assess and act. To reiterate: NAFA does not sell your email information.

NAFA Fleet Management Association