Nominations for NAFA Board of Directors is Open: Be An Influencer of the Future of Fleet and Mobility

NAFA is seeking candidates for its 2019 Board of Directors. If you always wanted to help shape the future of the fleet industry, now is your chance to make a difference!  
Every fleet manager and supplier whose NAFA membership is in good standing is eligible to be considered for the NAFA Board of Directors! (Retired members, honorary members, and students are not eligible.) To be considered, you must complete a Candidate Consideration Form (Click Here).
NAFA's Nominating Committee has developed a list of specific criteria upon which it will be assessing candidates. Please see the list below to get an idea for the needs NAFA desires; be sure to address how you can fill these needs when you complete your Candidate Consideration Form.
2019 Candidate Criteria
In submitting a Candidate Consideration Form, individuals must clearly indicate how they meet some or all of the following criteria:  

The deadline for submitting your completed Candidate Consideration Forms is 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Thursday, October 18, 2018.  
Candidates are not permitted to campaign for office. NAFA's Nominating Committee will review all Candidate Consideration Forms in November. The Nominating Committee will announce its slate of nominees in December. Nominees not selected by the Committee may choose to run by petition (details of this process will be provided in November to those who request it). The NAFA election will take place in January 2019. Individuals elected to the Board of Directors will assume office in February 2019 and serve three years.  

For more information, contact Phillip E. Russo, NAFA CEO, at  

NAFA Fleet Management Association