Thankful For the Gift of You

NAFA is all about elevating the fleet profession and providing means by which you can learn from and share with your colleagues. That sharing, that community, is what defines NAFA; it’s part of our DNA, and it’s why we exist. And it’s why I love working for NAFA. I love being part of a community in which everyone honestly wants to help each other.

Working at NAFA allows me to fulfill my desire to be a servant leader. I know “servant leadership” is a big buzzword these days, but for me, it’s always been a part of how I try to operate. (Notice the word “try,” as I admit I’ve not yet attained full sainthood!). And, if I may be vulnerable, it’s always been that way because of my faith, not because of any new fad or trend. In fact, when I took this job nearly 14 years ago, I quoted an inspirational pastor I heard on the radio who said, “Leadership has nothing to do with the position, but has everything to do with the ability to serve.” I hoped at that time that I would serve you well.

The good that comes from serving is, undoubtedly, inspired by love. In my faith, we define “love” as “willing the good of the other.” That doesn’t mean “wishing” the good of the other. It means actually taking steps to do something to assure the good of the other person. That’s love. And, isn’t that what is NAFA is all about, doing things to assure the good of others?

Look around you at any NAFA event and you will see love. You will see love in action as friends, strangers, even competitors, go out of their way to assure the good of someone else. For me, that is more than just magical, it is life-giving and inspiring, and drives me to work even harder – to serve you better – to do even more for you.

So, at this very special time of year, I want to thank you for being part of NAFA and for inspiring me. I want to thank you for sharing your time, your talent, and your treasure with this organization that so clearly reflects the love that each of you generates. You make NAFA a very special place, and I thank you for that.

I hope you have a joyous, peaceful, and love-filled holiday season.



P.S. Please be sure to see the accompanying piece recapping the many successes NAFA had this year. These are the fruits of your labor, the results of your love in action, and give me even more reasons to be thankful for you!

NAFA Fleet Management Association