Isn’t It Time You Got The Recognition You Deserve?

I am happy to announce that NAFA has revised its national awards program to enable us to recognize more outstanding accomplishments by folks like you and your colleagues.

In the biggest move, we eliminated specific award categories for safety, sustainability, and leadership in our Fleet Excellence (FLEXY) Awards competition. Safety, sustainability, and leadership remain important disciplines within fleet management, but limiting awards to just those three categories was an injustice to those of you who accomplished great things in other areas. 

Now, the FLEXY Awards are open to any and all entries regardless of the area of fleet management in which the success took place. So, if you implemented an innovative idea in, say, data analysis that resulted in huge improvements or savings, you can now be nominated (or nominate yourself) for a FLEXY Award.

The new FLEXY Awards will be categorized only by the segment of fleet in which you work: public/government or private/corporate. 

If you or someone you know has done great things in fleet over the past 12 months, now is the time to have the world’s largest fleet association give you (or them) the recognition you (or they) deserve!

Entry into the FLEXY Awards competition is simple: Prepare and submit a convincing, documented, written explanation of the success story. Be sure to include details and substantiation, as each entry is judged solely on this written entry. (Try your best to keep this to about 1,000 words, please!)

The FLEXY Awards recognize excellence by fleet managers (not suppliers), but you do not have to be a Member of NAFA to enter. You can nominate yourself, you can nominate other fleet managers, or you can nominate your clients if you are a supplier. FLEXY Award winners will be honored at NAFA’s annual Institute & Expo in Louisville in April.

Deadline for FLEXY Award entries is Friday, February 1. Get started here.

In another big move, we are now seeking nominations from the entire membership (not just the Board) for NAFA’s “service” awards. These awards recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to NAFA or the fleet profession in specific areas or over targeted periods of time. Specifically, these awards are: 

NAFA’s Distinguished Service Award includes lifetime complimentary membership in NAFA and lifetime complimentary admission to NAFA’s annual Institute & Expo (I&E). Distinguished Service Award winners will be honored at I&E. 

Honorary Membership includes lifetime complimentary membership in NAFA. Honorary Members will be honored at I&E.

Excellence in Education winners receive lifetime complimentary admission to I&E and will be honored at I&E. 

Outstanding Service Award winners will be honored at I&E.

Entry into the “service” awards competition is simple: Prepare and submit a convincing, documented, written explanation of the individual’s work. Be sure to include details and substantiation, as each entry is judged solely on this written entry. (Try your best to keep this to about 1,000 words, please!)

The service awards are open to all fleet managers and suppliers. You can nominate yourself, you can nominate other fleet colleagues, or you can nominate your clients if you are a supplier. The deadline to nominate for the service awards is Thursday, February 7.

Click here and download a nomination form today.

I hope you will consider nominating yourself or a colleague for one of NAFA’s highly prized awards! Please contact me directly at if you have any questions.


Phillip E. Russo, CAE
Chief Executive Officer

NAFA Fleet Management Association