Exclusive NAFA Benefit for Police Fleet Managers: Submit Your Vehicle Servicing Concerns for OEMs to Address at I&E

Do you manage law enforcement vehicles and have service concerns you’d like to have addressed by OEMs?

As an exclusive benefit of membership, NAFA has developed a system for you to submit your law enforcement vehicle service concerns through the Association. NAFA will provide them to OEMs to discuss and provide solutions for at a targeted session at the annual Institute & Expo.

Simply visit the submission page online, and answer some brief questions:

  1. Provide information about the vehicle(s) and the service concerns
  2. Fill in your contact details
  3. Click “submit”

Forms received by Friday, March 22, 2019, will be forwarded to the GM, FCA, and Ford law enforcement representatives presenting at I&E’s Monday, April 15, 2019 panel, OEM Law Enforcement Panel: Unique Needs Drive Unique Solutions.

By submitting your servicing concern here, manufacturers will have the opportunity to research the issues you identify, tell session attendees about actions they’re taking, or provide solutions to these vehicle concerns.

Get direct-from-the-manufacturer answers about your police vehicle servicing concerns at NAFA’s I&E!

NAFA Fleet Management Association