Member Update On NAFA’s CEO Search

With the departure of Phil Russo as NAFA’s CEO on August 2, 2019, the Board of Directors appointed Chief Operating Officer Bill Schankel, CAE, as NAFA’s Interim CEO to ensure the association continues to deliver its best-in-the-industry educational programs, networking, member services, and initiatives. Bill and staff have been doing a fantastic job and I sincerely feel NAFA is in very good hands while the search for a new leader is underway.

NAFA’s Board of Directors is currently reviewing the leadership structure within the association to ensure NAFA has the necessary resources and skills available to not only execute our current business plans, but also to develop longer-term strategies to move the association forward and ensure we continue to meet the evolving needs of our members, so that they have access to the tools and knowledge to remain on the leading edge of the fleet and mobility management industry.

To ensure that NAFA is able to find the best possible candidate for our new leader, the Board of Directors has formed an Executive Search Committee, led by NAFA’s Senior Vice President, Ray Brisby, CAFM®. This committee will engage with the Board of Directors as a whole, NAFA’s legal counsel, and a number of NAFA staff and key committee leaders to define the desired attributes from which to build a candidate profile. The committee is also working to secure the services of a reputable executive search firm to manage the recruitment and screening process.

Ray and the Executive Search Committee are interested in your feedback and input on the process. I encourage you to drop him a line at We’ll also provide updates as we progress!

Patti Earley, CAFM
President, NAFA Fleet Management Association

NAFA Fleet Management Association