Meet Your NAFA Community Leaders: Jeffrey A. Hawthorne, CAFM®, Fleet Manager, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, Fla.

Launched during the 2019 Institute & Expo this past April, NAFA's Communities have been setting the pace for membership networking and interaction. Each NAFA Community goes deep into a specific aspect and/or segment of fleet.

NAFAConnection spoke with the leader of the Public Safety Community, Jeffrey A. Hawthorne, CAFM®, Fleet Manager, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, Fla.

NAFAConnection: What has the Public Safety Community been most interested in discussing?

Jeffrey Hawthorne: Various challenges and unique vehicle-builds with law enforcement fleets including the most practical but effective utility vehicle for mild to moderate off-road use such as a Polaris UTV, options and learning experience with identifying specifications and building prisoner transport buses, usage of the Ford Expedition SSV in law enforcement, and experience with the Dodge 5.7L engine.

What are the top values Public Safety Community participants enjoy by participating?

No question about it: solutions. That’s what it’s for, and that’s what it’s doing. And the “gene pool” is infinite. Someone in the group has an answer to any question that comes our way.

What can new participants research in Public Safety Communities/key learnings thus far?

Essentially, any topic or concern associated with the myriad topics involving managing a law enforcement fleet of any size. If you can think of it, someone in the community has touched it, smelled it, felt it, and consumed it, and can provide potential solutions.

Are there any questions where no one had an answer or opinion? If so, what was it?

All questions and concerns are typically responded to.

Do you recall the most interesting solution a Public Safety Communities participant offered?

There are several and all are very interesting and relevant. Just to name a few, members have contributed various products of the following topics;

How are Associate Members participating? What value will they get by participating?

Associate members are absolutely contributing whenever it is appropriate. They have a “dog in the fight,” too. 

To Participate in the Public Safety Community – or the 14 other NAFA Communities that focus on specific fleet segments – login at and click on the green “COMMUNITIES” button on the homepage.

NAFA Fleet Management Association