Facts & Findings - Q3  

Mastering Core Work Traits
Written by Kate Tribbett
Essential Traits for a Paralegal
What does it take to be good at your job? There are classes, certificates and trainings for nearly every skill we use in our jobs, but underneath all of those abilities, there are some core traits that we can hone. As we face projects, in addition to focusing on the minutiae of the task, take some time to reflect on the traits you have that will help you succeed.

We often think of humility as being meek or submissive, but the secret to humility is knowing how much space to take up in a room, conversation or project. There will be times when your practice of humility means being open to suggestions and directions. At other times your humility will mean speaking up, honoring your experience and knowledge and sharing your thoughts.
You can read the full article here