What's Happening in Certification?
For Certified Paralegals:

  • There is no minimum length requirement for CLE. CLE credit towards the maintenance of of the CP credential will be accepted in any time increments (i.e. no minimum time requirement).
  • As of August 1, 2019, CPs are no longer required to complete a test after reading Facts & Findings articles. CLE must be submitted within one year of the publication date. No other publications will be considered. Certified Paralegals may submit up to two hours of CLE per year, with a maximum of five hours of CLE per each five-year certification period.  
  • If you are returning from retirement status, a reactivation fee of $125 will be required to reactivate the credential, with the five-year recertification period remaining the same as it was prior to retirement. If the CP is in retired status past the last recertification date, a new recertification period begins on the date of reemployment.


  • Paralegal students who are in their last semester or quarter of the program, with proof, will be allowed to apply for the CP exam.
  • Paralegal students, with proof, will have a Student application fee of:
    $125 for NALA members
    $150 for non-members

Unsure about the CP exam appliation process? Check out the CP Exam FAQs. For more details on certification policies, please download the CP Program Handbook from our website.