NALA Conference Update
As we all do our part to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, your NALA team continues to monitor closely the travel and congregation restrictions, along with the other recommendations, from our public health officials. Although we have not yet changed our plans regarding the 2020 Conference & Expo scheduled for July 9-11 in Atlantic City, we are certain changes will need to be made at some point and to some degree.

Over the next several weeks, we will be reviewing the options available to us, including virtual opportunities, if a conference reduction is necessitated. We will communicate via email, social media, and through our website as any changes are made. Registration costs, including early-bird dates and discount expirations, will be reviewed during this time as well. Options and final decisions will be announced no later than May 15, if not sooner. Please be assured that our current policy allows for a 100% refund for conference registration cancellations prior to June 9, 2020. We appreciate your patience as we navigate this ever-changing landscape.

In the meantime, and especially for those who might be at home during this time, our live webinars are still scheduled as planned. Also, our on-demand webinars and online courses are still available without changes. 

We will be in touch as we have more information to share. Be safe and take care of each other!