From NALA CEO, Vanessa Finley -- An apology for bad timing

From NALA CEO, Vanessa Finley -- An apology for very bad timing

NALA sent out postcards last week reminding members that the voting window for the 2020/2021 board of directors election will be opening June 17th. Unfortunately, the title of the postcard—"Your Vote Matters”--comes across as very insensitive during this time of powerful demonstrations and protests all across the country in response to centuries-old racial injustice in America and in support of Black Lives Matter.

I wanted to share with you, our members, how this happened. Printing and preparation for bulk mailings occur several weeks in advance of “dropping” the piece in the mail, which is completed by an external vendor. We designed and sent the artwork to the printer weeks ago, prior to the murder of George Floyd and the renewed attention to the ongoing systemic racism that is evident in so many of our public (and private) systems and departments.

This reminder postcard, as it was received last week, comes across—without any doubt—as insensitive or callous to the Black Lives Matter movement in its casual use of the word "matters." That was not, and never would be, our intention. We have now changed our voting graphic to "Your Vote Counts," and we will use the new design moving forward.

No matter the reason for this poor timing, I am sorry that this postcard came from us at this time, causing undue distress or trauma to our Black members and other members of color. I hope you understand and accept our sincerest apology. NALA stands in solidarity, and we believe we are stronger together!