NALA Commons Groups

Join a Group on NALA Commons
An excellent way to connect with your peers and fellow NALA members is on NALA Commons, our member-only collaborative social site. You can post articles, ask and answer questions, and keep up to date on important information from NALA.
Did you realize that NALA Commons features specific groups? Whether you are a new member, a paralegal educator, in a specific area of law, or interested in learning the most recent information on the upcoming annual Conference, there is a group for you. The notification feature makes sure that you don't miss any activity in the groups you choose! Our Professional Development Committee and Continuing Education Council also have their own groups to connect with you.
All you need to do is click on the group and join. Groups are a great way to focus content in a specific area with those who have shared interests. We encourage you to spend a little time looking through the groups on NALA Commons, join ones interesting to you, and start a conversation within the group.