NALA Commons

The NALA Commons Community
One of the biggest lessons 2020 taught us is how vital community is to our everyday lives. This not only includes in-person communities but virtual communities as well.
If you haven’t yet had the chance to check out NALA Commons, our member-only collaborative social site, please take a moment to do so. This member exclusive benefit is an easy way to connect with your peers and fellow NALA members, ask questions, discuss relevant topics to the paralegal field, or simply have someone to chat with. You can join groups specifically tailored to your interests, and the NALA board of directors and NALA staff are actively involved on the site to interact with you and answer your questions.
There is no better time to join the NALA Commons community! To access the site, click here or go to the NALA website homepage, click on the NALA Commons button under Quick Links, login to your NALA account, and you are in! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our staff members.