Conference Save the Date

Save the Date: 2021 NALA Conference & Expo 
As we all know, circumstances can change quickly when dealing with the pandemic. However, one thing that has not changed is NALA’s dedication to providing an INCREDIBLE conference experience, no matter the circumstances. Although we cannot predict how the world will look in the upcoming months, you can rest assured that the 2021 NALA Conference & Expo will take place July 22-24, 2021 – whether in-person in Louisville, Kentucky, or as a virtual conference, like we delivered in 2020.
The safety of attendees is our number one priority. We sincerely hope to gather in person, but if the situation calls for another virtual conference, we promise to make it an incredible experience either way!
Please mark your calendars now for July 22-24, 2021, to join us for this year’s exceptional event! You can find the latest conference news on our website, NALA emails, and social media. Conference rates will be released once the decision has been made for either in-person or virtual.Thank you for your patience as we continue to weigh all the factors to help us make this important decision!