NALA Conference @ Home

LAST CHANCE for Conference @ Home Early Bird Rates
Today is your FINAL day to take advantage of early bird conference registration rates!
Registering tonight by 11:59 p.m. CT confirms your access to the exclusive early bird bonus. Only those who register and pay by the end of today, May 15, 2021, will receive a complimentary, exclusive 2021 NALA Conference @ Home care package. This year's care packages will feature epic swag that will enhance your virtual conference experience.
Don’t forget - Only those who register by the early bird deadline will have EXCLUSIVE access to preorder the official, limited edition 2021 NALA Conference @ Home t-shirt! Only early birds are guaranteed access to the conference shirt, and you do not want to miss out on this year’s bold design. If you have registered and paid for the full conference, and would like to preorder this year’s conference tee, please click here. Since the t-shirt will arrive in your care package prior to the Conference @ Home, early bird registrants who order the t-shirt by May 15, 2021, will also get FREE shipping!