Ethical Use of Social Media By Legal Professionals
January 26  |  12 p.m. CT  |  CLE: 1  |  ETHICS
Social media is everywhere. Many law firms, legal departments, and lawyers use social media to advertise services to attract new clients, network with other legal professionals, and share compelling legal updates with both clients and prospective clients. While there is no question social media provides an excellent way for legal professionals to connect with clients, other legal professionals, and the public, it is important, however, to know what the potential ethical pitfalls are before posting or responding to social media content. 

Since the digital world is constantly evolving, lawyers must keep informed on new or enhanced obligations as technology advances. Failure to do so may result in court sanctions, license suspension, or an unfavorable litigation outcome. This webinar is designed
to help you understand your ethical obligations and spot potential issues to avoid inadvertent violations.