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[Paralegal Voice Podcast 🎧] Modern Legal Project Management: Agile and Scrum Processes
By default, many paralegal professionals serve as project managers, keeping cases on track, and knowing when the next filing is due. But is traditional, linear project management best for all cases?

Agile project management has been around in other business sectors for 20 years, but the legal field has been cautious and slow to adapt.

Guest Alicia Mitchell-Mercer is an expert in applying the modern Agile project management philosophy to legal cases and how the Scrum processes fit. Scrum team? Product owner? ScrumMaster? If you’ve been curious, even baffled, by these terms, you won’t get a better 30-minute introduction. Learn how modern project management fits today’s legal needs.

From start to finish, Agile project management can help track legal projects and review results, then apply lessons learned to future projects. Mitchell-Mercer explains how applying these principles could help your firm work more efficiently, improve outcomes, and better serve clients. As a bonus, there isn’t a high barrier to entry for ScrumMaster certification (and it could add to your personal market value).

Plus, some insights on how COVID’s push to remote meetings has changed, perhaps forever, legal project management. Listen Now!