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Navigating Paralegal Burnout and Fatigue
March 16  |  12 p.m. CT  |  CLE: 1  |  Non-Substantive
As a paralegal, when you are experiencing exhaustion at unprecedented levels – whether you are running on fumes, putting out daily fires, worried about the overwhelming demands of your projects, attorney matters, deadlines, juggling childcare and schoolwork, pet care, parent care, client care, and employee care – you may wake up one morning and find you have nothing more to give. So, you keep giving the only thing you have left – yourself.

As the environment continues to shift beneath your feet, the old way of dealing with fatigue and burnout may no longer be effective. This webinar will discuss paralegal fatigue and burnout. You will have the opportunity to learn, listen and share experiences with other paralegals who are on the same journey.