The NALA Board of Directors election is coming up on June 12th. Before voting opens, we encourage you to get to know your candidates. The open positions are vice president, secretary, treasurer, and directors for areas 1, 2, and 3. The treasurer, area 1 director, and area 3 director positions are contested. Since the vice president, secretary, and area 2 director positions are uncontested, the candidate for each role will serve in that position.

On our website, scroll down to 2024-2025 Board of Director Candidates and click on Learn More below each candidate’s picture to read their biography, which includes three values they believe they demonstrate as a leader, and find a link to their candidate video.

Voting will be open from June 12th through July 8th at 5 p.m. CT for Active type NALA members in good standing. We will be using a process where you submit your vote and then confirm it via email. Your vote will not officially count until you have confirmed it. Election results will be announced during the Annual Membership Meeting at the 2024 NALA Conference & Expo on July 11th.