Wendy Hartman, CFP® appointed 2023 NAPFA board chair-elect

“I am honored to have been named chair-elect and to continue my volunteer service and presence on the NAPFA board of directors,” said Hartman in an August NAPFA press release. “I am grateful to work alongside so many who are as passionate around the impact in our growing professional community and to be a key driver in our forward progress! I have truly enjoyed my involvement with NAPFA on many levels and it is a rewarding experience to see the great strides we are making on all levels of professional education, consumer awareness, and the client experience.”

RIAintel award finalists

Four NAPFA members are finalists in RIAintel’s inaugural awards. Emlen Miles-Mattingly, co-founder, Onyx Advisor Network, and Barry Mulholland, director of the financial planning program, University of Akron, are finalists for “Industry Advocate of the Year.” Lindsey Swanson, founder of Stripper Financial Planning, and Jessica Goedtel, owner and financial planner at Pavilion Financial Planning, are finalists for “Client Advocate of the Year.”

Refer new members to NAPFA

You and NAPFA benefit when you refer new members to the organization, especially if you help NAPFA meet its goal of adding 100 new members between mid-July and Sept. 30.

If a new member joins by Sept. 30 and includes your name as their referrer, you (and the new member you referred) will be entered into a drawing for one free year of NAPFA membership. Also, members referring more than one new member by the deadline will receive NAPFA gift cards. For details, contact or visit the new member referral campaign page.

Thank you, departing board members!

NAPFA thanks Lydia Sheckels, CFP®, and Kristen Moosmiller, CFP®, for their service on the NAPFA Board of Directors.

Register for the NAPFA Fall Conference!

Through Aug. 21, take advantage of discounted rates for the NAPFA Fall Conference, Oct. 20–22, at the Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center.

Featured speakers include retirement expert Denise Appleby; economist Dr. LaVaughn M. Henry; diversity consultant Dr. James Pogue; CNET Personal Finance Editor Farnoosh Toorabi; Harvard Business School Professor Marco DiMaggio; attorney Thomas Giachetti; Michael Finke, Ph.D., CFP®; NAPFA member Lazetta Braxton, MBA, CFP®; and “abundance activist” Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP®.

An interactive, hands-on pre-conference workshop will tackle “Social Security & Medicare: Claiming Categories, Calculations, Connections, and Client Cases” with Marcia Mantell, RMA®, NSSA® (see her article in this issue of the NAPFA Advisor).

Aug. 27 deadline for scholarship applications

Apply by Aug. 27 for a scholarship to the NAPFA Fall Conference. Options include the NAPFA Genesis, NAPFA Midwest Region Attendee, Diahann W. Lassus, and NAPFA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion scholarships.

Have a topic for a NAPFA conference?

Submit a proposal to speak at a 2023 NAPFA conference.

NAPFA’s third Marketing Playbook Trilogy class starts in August

“Using Custom Content as an Inbound Marketing ‘Pull Strategy,’” the third master class in NAPFA’s 2022 Marketing Playbook Trilogy, starts on Aug. 24 with a session on “The WHAT: Why authenticity and content marketing works to engage people and position the advisor as a subject matter expert/trusted professional.” Subsequent sessions are on Sept. 28 and Nov. 2. Classes will be presented live and recorded. Register now. Classes are free for NAPFA members.

Aug. 25 equity compensation session

“Equity Compensation/Stock Options” will be the focus of a conversation circle on Aug. 25 at 1 p.m. ET. Register now.

NAPFA recommended as a resource

NAPFA is recommended as a resource for consumers in articles including “I know I need to go on disability leave, but I’m still terrified” in the Washington Post, “A TikTok video said to invest in life insurance. Should I?” on, “5 Questions To Ask A Financial Advisor” on Forbes Advisor, and “How To Hire A Financial Advisor In The Top 2%” on

Protect your clients with AARP BankSafe program

In a free, self-paced 60-minute training session from the AARP BankSafe program, learn how to identify and stop suspected financial exploitation of your clients. Go to

Learn about MIX groups

A membership information exchange (MIX) group is a professional group in which like-minded NAPFA members can focus on a business problem that needs solving or on topics that could benefit from collaboration among fee-only financial professionals. Take advantage of this opportunity! Learn more at or contact Heidi Tennant at