NAPFA’s Public Policy Efforts

By Kathryn Dattomo

Working on public policy issues can sometimes feel like a long and arduous journey, where tangible outcomes may seem elusive. While the impact of NAPFA’s efforts in the realm of public policy often takes time to materialize, our persistence plays an integral role in shaping the policies that affect the Fee-Only financial planning profession.

The Value of NAPFA’s Public Policy Engagement

In this message, I want to emphasize the immense value that NAPFA’s engagement in public policy initiatives brings to both our individual members’ careers and the Fee-Only financial planning profession and why it’s essential for NAPFA to persevere in this important work, even when progress seems slow.

Active participation in public policy efforts empowers us to shape the future of the Fee-Only financial planning profession. Government policies and regulations profoundly influence how NAPFA members conduct business and interact with clients. By actively engaging in the policymaking process, we can advocate for solutions that align with our values, highest standards, and best interests.

The policymaking process is complex and often involves numerous stakeholders and decision-making stages. Policies must be thoroughly researched, debated, refined, and reviewed. Our continued involvement in the process is crucial in providing valuable input and expertise at each stage. We have built a reputation as a reliable and dedicated stakeholder. This reputation improves our ability to shape policies more effectively in the long run.

Through our advocacy efforts, we have built a strong network and valuable partnerships with other organizations in the profession of financial planning. Our engagement in public policy discussions contributes to a growing body of knowledge and influence. The groundwork we lay now may become the foundation upon which future policy decisions are built.

Update on NAPFA’s Public Policy Initiatives

In this issue of the NAPFA Advisor, “NAPFA Promotes Fiduciary Financial Planning,” written by Michael Watkins, NAPFA’s public policy and advocacy counsel, shares the history of NAPFA’s public policy efforts, NAPFA’s approach to public policy, and our current key areas of focus. I encourage each of you to read his article to learn more about NAPFA’s public policy efforts and to consider how you can contribute to NAPFA’s advocacy initiatives—whether it’s by joining the NAPFA Public Policy Committee or by simply staying informed about key policy issues.

Let’s Work Together!

Together, we can be a powerful force to elevate the visibility and impact of Fee-Only financial planning and the key issues of importance to our members and their clients. Thank you for your dedication to NAPFA’s mission, and I look forward to seeing the continued positive impact we can collectively make through our public policy efforts.